Friday, February 19, 2010

starting networking.

Starting networking is not afraid thing, but some people does think like that sometimes.I read two articles about the wrong ideas about network.

Networking helps make friednds in on line and it extends your social circle.
To do this(networking) you don't need to be smart, funny, or very attractive person to make somebody visit your blog or read your post. In the articles I read, being nice is the best way. Every people need someone to listen their story, even in the network.

So if you want good network, all you need to do is just being nice and listen to other people well. thats waht you need to do networking. Not smart, not funny, just being nice.

Just make people wannt to talk to you and listen to them well and being nice is all you need! It is easy, so don't intimidate by network many people should try it!


  1. Being nice is very essential in networking especially for business purposes usually referred to as "Customer Friendly"...This connects the customer to the business and builds a relationship.

  2. I really like your post and I agree that being nice is essential to networking. Networking certainly can be intimidating but if your confident and outgoing it is not too difficult.

  3. SO TRUE! I really dislike people who want to get to know you solely for the potential "job hookup". You have to authentically want to connect with a person because you are fascinated with the work they do and want to stay in touch.

    Rule of thumb: If it feels like a forced relationship, odds are it probably is.
